Brake Service & Inspection at
Christian Cars
Free brake checks all year long
If you're in need of a brake service and inspection, look no further than Christian Cars, where we offer free brake checks all year long.
Bring your vehicle in and our tire and auto service expert will perform a free brake check service that includes:
During your free brake check, we'll determine if your vehicle needs any further brake service, such as:
Installation of new brake pads or shoes
Resurfacing or replacement of brake rotors or drums
Brake fluid change Brake bleeding
Replacement of brake lines, hoses and other brake components

Brakes Service & Inspection FAQ's
How do I know when I need new brakes?
Most brake pads are equipped with wear indicators that produce a squealing noise when the brakes are almost worn out. The noise may be present with or without the brake pedal applied, but when noise is heard from the wear indicator, the brake pads should be replaced as soon as possible. Wear indicators are set to create noise when there is around 2 mm of brake pad friction material thickness remaining. In the case of assessing pad wear through inspection, pads should be replaced at or before 2 mm thickness is reached. -
Must I always replace the brake discs when changing my pads?
No. If there are no conditions such as pedal pulsation or steering-wheel vibration during braking, and the brake disc is at least 1 mm thicker than the discard thickness, then it does not need to be turned or replaced. -
Why does my brake pedal pulse?
Brake-pedal pulsation and other conditions such as steering-wheel shaking while braking are caused by thickness variation in the brake disc when a thicker spot of the disc rotates through the caliper, it pushes back against brake fluid, which can be felt at the brake pedal. The brake fluid and pedal then relax again as the thick spot exits the caliper. This process produces pedal pulsation and “brake torque variation,” which can shake the steering wheel and seats. Brake pulsation is not caused by warping of the disc. However, distortion of the disc due to excessive temperatures or improper installation and torqueing of the wheels can lead to brake disc thickness variation over time. Brake-pedal pulsation is corrected by turning and/or replacing the brake discs to eliminate the thickness variation. -
Why do my brakes squeal? How can I stop it?
Brake squeal is caused by the high-frequency vibration of brake components (rotor, calipers, and/or pads) in response to excitation from the brake friction process. A significant amount of time and engineering goes into eliminating brake squeal from original equipment brake components. Brake components are engineered as a complete system—factory-original performance can only be assured when using original equipment brake pads and discs. When brake squeal occurs, there may be damage or excessive wear on one or more components affecting noise, including the brake pads, the noise-damping shim that is bonded to the brake pad, or the disc friction surface.
In addition, it should be recognized that high-performance and track-capable brake systems using high-performance pad materials may be at higher risk for producing brake squeal noise, even when no damage to the components is present. -
How long will my brake pads last?
Brake pad life depends on driving habits, vehicle usage, and operating environment. Brake systems are designed to provide 20,000 to 25,000 miles of pad life in very severe use (such as heavy-traffic urban areas) and can give 40,000 to 60,000 miles of pad life in average use. Some factors that will reduce pad life include frequent heavy braking, elevated temperatures (caused by high-speed braking, driving in mountainous areas), driving with the vehicle heavily loaded, and severe environments such as high-corrosion areas and areas with a lot of road debris and dust. -
Are all brake discs the same?
While brake discs designed to fit the same vehicle will often be similar in appearance and dimensions, there can be differences in internal cooling vane design, thickness of the brake plates (against which the brake pad rubs), and the grade and material specification of the cast iron. For original equipment brake discs, significant analysis and testing goes into determining the right geometry to minimize thermal distortion and squeal noise and to maximize cooling. Similar rigor is put into the material selection, which can also affect the risk of squeal noise as well as friction and wear properties.
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With our Multi-Point Vehicle Inspection, you get a thorough assessment of your vehicle by our expert mechanics. So protect yourself and your Car with a comprehensive vehicle inspection at Christian Cars Auto Centre today.